Riverside Native Perennials, located in Delaware, OH grows and sells native perennial plugs appropriate for CRP plantings. Our plugs are grown in 2.5″ square pots; 32 per flat and we only sell established perennials ready to be planted. We developed this online ordering and payment form and provide for onsite pick up or delivery services to make ordering easy. Please call or email if you have any questions 740-815-3230.
The order form has been divided the into three categories: plants that can tolerate drier soil, plants needing moist soil and plants that prefer wetter soils. Within each of those divisions we’ve further separated plants by their bloom time as noted below. Simply choose the category that best defines the area you’ll be planting and select the species that appeal to you. Please note that plants can be flexible. Feel free to put a plant from the dry category into moist soil as long as this is confirmed in the description. All of our plants are full or partial sun. Choose as many species as possible in order to diversify your planting. Some plant species bloom early and while others bloom later. By planting several species you are providing the benefit of nectar, pollen, seeds and leaves for hungry birds, butterflies and other insects over a longer period of time.
Orders are reserved on a first-come, first served basis. Sometimes we can run out of a certain species if we do not collect a good quantity of seed from the previous year. We will contact you if this occurs. We will substitute an appropriate species that most closely matches the soil moisture conditions and send those instead with your permission. We grow tens of thousands of plants each year but sometimes we do run out of a particular species.
Please note on the order form below that we have ranked the plant species based on soil moisture from dry to wet. Each species description also indicates the approximate bloom time from early season bloom to mid-season bloom to late season bloom. As the names would indicate early season bloomers would produce nectar and pollen in spring and early summer, mid-season bloomers in summer and late season bloomers producing in late summer into the fall. Selecting species from all three bloom times ensures a constant supply of nectar and pollen throughout the growing season.
Your plants can be picked up at the nursery or delivered. If you choose pick up we will have your order ready to go and get you on your way quickly. If you choose delivery please see the pricing at the bottom of the order form. Your county of residence is used to calculate delivery charges. In the delivery options below, find your county and put “1” in the associated field. We will contact you in advance to coordinate delivery. Your perennials may need some care if they are not immediately planted. Please do not leave them in sunny or windy locations as this will dry them out quickly. Water as needed; the main danger here is the plants drying out. We would suggest putting them in a garage or barn out of the sun. Keeping them cool and in the shade reduces their need for water. This is not a product you can forget about; check them daily and water as needed until you plant them. In the nursery they are getting watered daily. Once planted it will not take long for them to become established. If we have a couple good soaking rains the plants will be fine. If it doesn’t rain for weeks after planting then supplemental water will be helpful.
2025 CRP Order Form
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Native perennials that will grow and perform well. This is the value we provide!