Your Local Native Plant Nursery Online


Second Annual Central Ohio Native Nursery Hop
Saturday, September 3rd from 10A to 4P

Please join us on Saturday, September 3rd from 10 A to 4 P for our second annual Native Nursery Hop.  This year the Hop has increased in size with the addition of Natives in Harmony Nursery in Marengo.  Each nursery is offering their own selection of trees, shrubs and perennials.  We’ve included a little bit of information below to help you with planning your visit.  Each site is giving away a free perennial to each family that visits. 

Riverside Native Trees and Riverside Native Perennials specializes in growing 3 gallon containerized trees and shrubs that are native to Ohio and the midwest.  We have a large selection of oak, maple, tuliptree, hackberry, serviceberry and many others.  Our shrubs include chokeberry, elderberries, dogwoods, buttonbush, winterberry and other species.

Our perennial species include milkweeds, lobelia, sunflowers, asters and dozens of other species.  Our online inventory can be found by clicking below.

                                                                                      Riverside Native Plants, 2295 River Road, Delaware, OH  43015    

Leaves for Wildlife is celebrating its second anniversary in September!  This native plant nursery specializes in plants native to central Ohio and slightly to our south to accomodate species that are shifting north with warming temperatures.  This year we’re growing over 200 species including pawpaw, persimmon, hazelnut, American plum, viburnum, spicebush, catalpa, butternut, hazel alder, redbud, red and black elderberry, white pine, red cedar, eastern hemlock, leadplant, hoptree, New Jersey tea and a wide variety of other woody plants and perennial species.  A collection of several different types of caterpillars is onsite for meet and greets….come on out for some Leaves For Wildlife!


Leaves For Wildlife, 1655 N. County Road 605, Sunbury, OH  43074

Natives in Harmony is a native plant nursery dedicated to promoting species preservation and supporting native pollinators.   The majority (95%) of the plants we propagate are Ohio genotypes. We display living plant collections and native plant communities as well as disseminate knowledge about propagating and preserving plants. Our nursery supplies over 300 species of local genotype native perennials, grasses, sedges, trees, shrubs, and vines to homeowners, nature preserves, parks, and schools. We also produce plants for the Ohio Conservation Reserve midterm management program and native plant fundraisers.

Natives in Harmony, 4652 Township Road 179, Marengo, OH  43334